Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Turning 20

On the 26th of June 2011, The number 2 got attached to my age for a decade...

I want to thank my family, who've always been there beside me, always knowing when i needed a little push, or when i needed to be brought down to earth. I guess they're called family for a reason. I want to thank my extended family as well, consisting of my uncles, aunts and cousins. I'd also like to thank the 3 girls in my life who filled the void of not having a younger sibling. Aditi Thakkar, Devika Gharge and Pankti Shah. I can't help but be overly protective of these 3 girls whom I consider my sisters.

I have mixed feelings about turning 20. Its been a pretty long time, although i'm only through one third or one fourth of my life... I step out of my teens, and realize, that the time for fun may be well and truly, over. Its time to get serious with life, accept more responsibilities and to evolve from a boy to a man. There are a lot of things I must do in the coming decade, some which I wanted to do in my teenage but couldn't, and some which I realise I must do as I grow older in order to live the good life.

1. Accumulate material wealth.

I've never been deprived of anything, but i've never had the luxury of extravagance either. In the next decade, I want to earn, and I want to splurge. I want to buy a top of the end gadget, i want to buy a car for the family, jewellery for my mom, the love of my life (whoever she turns out to be),my sisters,a Rolex for my brother, anything to show my family that i care. I want my family to be happier than they've ever been, and I'm willing to work for that.

2. Read

As much as i like to read, I haven't been able to as much as i can. Sometimes its been my fault. Some other times, not. But i want to change that. I grew up reading Harry Potter, and its helped build my vocabulary a lot. My innate need to use English in its original form(not the inane, short one) also stems from my interest in reading. That and the fact that a purist friend of mine suggested I do so helped me in my decision to drop SMS-lingo from my daily usage. I've read a few other books as well, and all the books have helped shape my outlook on life and my attitude in general, but I feel that I can be a much better person than I am right now, and where else to look for than books? So I want to join a library which is extensive, and read as much as is possible.

3. Show my support.

I follow a few sports. Football, Tennis, F1. I want to get something that will show who I support. Last year, I was supposed to get a United wallet, but I didn't. This year, I want to fulfil that. And in the following years, more merchandise to show that I support United, Federer and Ferrari. It may seem trivial, but I've always been an easy-going guy. For once, i want to be fanatic about the teams and sportspersons I support. I want to splurge and buy a United/Roger Federer/Ferrari T-shirt/jersey. Its time I was more vocal.

4. Go Green

My parents may not have had any specific reason in mind when they gave me a word that means Nature in many languages for a name, but its only fair that I do my bit. Even if global warming or climate change may not be a reality, its a fact that fossil fuels are being used at an alarmingly high rate. Its imperative that we preserve whatever resources that are left for our future generations. I want to reduce my carbon footprint. Within the next decade, I wish to either use renewable sources of energy myself, or support organisations that do so.

5. Learn a musical instrument

Music has always calmed me down. Its given me inner peace when in times of turmoil, and I want to learn to play something. I've always been a fan of the piano, and I wish i could learn. The piano, for me, has always been an instrument of peace, joy and happiness. Not to mention the regal aura that a piano exudes. I want to learn the piano and play the symphonies. Mozart, Bach, Beethoven. I know it will take a lot of work, but yeah, i want to do it.

6. Fall in love.

This may seem cheesy, and I know I'll get a lot of ribbing over the coming weeks for this, but there's a reason for this. My cousins are getting hitched one after the other, and believe me when I say that their spouses are perfect for them. A lot of my friends are also couples, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel left out at times. Sure, I have single friends to hang out with, and geeks to go crazy over gadgets, books, etc. but I get the feeling that my friends would gladly give up going ga-ga over gadgets to be with their girlfriend any day of the week. I want to experience that. I want to experience the change in priorities. I want to know how it feels to have a person other than your family, alongwith your family, as the centre of your universe. I want to be wrapped around the finger of the love of my life, and to treat my love like a Queen.


Leo said...

Ignoring your health & hygiene is such a bliss isn't it?

Unknown said...

Actually, looking after health and hygiene's a given.